
Showing posts from June, 2018

El Cuatro-(Standard Deck Tech)

If double strike be good, then the El Cuatro be double good.  Today, for your deckbuilding entertainment, I present a deck that takes whatever little creature you have on the board, and turns it into a near death experience for your opponent.  Also, we're running out of time to brew with Samut, the Tested. With your approval, I present El Cuatro (pronounced Quah-Troh for you non-Spanish speakers).  A deck that strives to turn a single punch into the only punch that you need. The idea behind this deck is to attempt to double damage that has already been doubled.  First let's go over our doubling cards.  These are creatures and other spells that can be used to double up any damage that is heading toward your opponent.  Samut's +1 ability gives any creature double strike.  Insult/Injury doubles up any damage that makes it through to your opponent.  Charging Tuskodon, in addition to having trample, deals double damage. And Angrath's Marauders doubles up a

Five Color Horses (M19 Standard)-A Deck of Epic Proportions Part 2

We're unstoppable.  This deck is happening.  If you missed Part 1, which introduces our horses, you can find it HERE .  But in order for this deck to have all 5 different horses in it, we have to get our mana base straight.  So starting with the lands from Part 1, I choose to have the following. I'm also making green a central color in the deck with at least two of each basic land.  Any dual lands we use will have green in them. This will allow us to play protection spells like Blossoming Defense and Heroic Intervention.  Since we're a creature strategy, I think we need to do what we can to keep our horses safe.  This is just an initial thought.  This may change as we build. In order for Spire of Industry to work, and to allow us some early game play options, I think we need to look at colorless spells first.  Since we have 1 colorless horse, I think it's safe to say that at least 3 Diamond Mare is a good idea (unless we figure out later that it's a bad ide

Five Color Horses (M19 Standard)-A Deck of Epic Proportions Part 1

It has been a dream of mine to create a deck so incomprehensibly irresponsibly built...that it mocks sensibility and offends even the least practical MTG player.  And it is a dream of mine that the deck feature horses...and not just any horses...but horses of every color available. Without regret and in full possession of my faculties, I encourage you to walk this path with me... JOURNEY WITH ME TO THE LAIR OF THE 5 COLORED HORSES (6 if you count colorless). Today we begin consideration of how we will tackle the problem of making 5 color horses a reality. First let's introduce our horses. Of course we start with our Hour of Devastation lord of all horses, Crested Sunmare. I know what you're thinking...why not just make a green/white horse deck?  I agree, that would be sensible.  But I didn't sign up to tiptoe through easily trod paths.  NO! I'm here to play it dangerous.  And in the MTG world, it doesn't get any more d

Core 2019 Black Brew Chunks


Core 2019 White Brew Chunks


Core 2019 Cards That Have Caught My Attention. (SPOILER)

Core 2019 has brought forth some really interesting cards.  Here are some that made me unconsciously pencil them into a deck build.  The first card that made my brain launch into fantasies of a competitive Standard Elf deck was Elvish Clancaller. This unassuming 1/1, which I'm sure was a direct gift to modern elves, is a missing link in the Standard Elf curve.  It promises to buff your elves in the early game and call up additional support in the late game.  Its non-legendary status wins this creature my vote for most likely to succeed.  The next card that I'm ready to start building with is another tribal lord (I might have a thing for tribes). It's none other than Death Baron.  There was a time when you could give your Zombies menace and be happy that they were going to get some damage through.  Now, you can give them all deathtouch with a +1/+1 buff.  Lord of the Accursed is still there to buff creatures and give menace. Dread Wanderer now has a buddy to fill