
Showing posts from October, 2018

Wizards of the Coast, Who Do You Think You ARE!?!?!?!

     In a discussion a while back with a fellow content creator, we stepped into the topic of Wizards of the Coast and their changes to their distribution methodology, specifically their announcement to directly sell products through major digital outlets.  There was some discussion about how this affects local game stores.  In an effort to build a picture of where WOTC is headed, I submit the following opinion.  Keep in mind, these are my own thoughts based on what I have read.  They in no way reflect an actual published business strategy or plan from WOTC or Hasbro. Let's draw a line through a few events that have transpired over the last year. December 4, 2017: Arena closed beta begins . September 19, 2018 : Announcement of the Arena Creator's Hub . September 21, 2018: Announcement of direct sales of products through digital outlets . September 27, 2018: Arena open beta begins . October 4, 2018: Announcement of MagicFest and the consolidation of the Pro Tour and