
Showing posts from September, 2019

Fires of Invention (New Modern Concept Deck)

Fires of Invention is my absolute favorite card from Throne of Eldraine.  I've never seen anything like it and I expect it to spur many different builds in multiple formats.  This concept deck is my first build for the card. The beauty of this card is two fold.  First, it automatically smooths your mana.  The type of lands you control no longer matter.  All you're worried about now is the CMC.  Additionally, it frees up your lands to activate abilities and to pay for other non-casting costs.  And finally, it doubles your mana.  You get to cast 2 spells, each less than or equal to the CMC of the number of lands you control. You can do a lot with that kind of power. So let's look at one way to abuse this card. Reading the text of the card, "You can cast spells only during your turn..." instantly makes me want more turns.  So here are a few cards I intend to drop once Fires of Invention is on the battlefield. First and foremost, a somewhat unplayable card

The MTGCCA Fundraiser

This year I am working to expand the MTG Content Creators Awards from 11 to 18 awards. This fundraiser represents approximately half of the overall costs.  Your help is much appreciated. Click here to get to the GoFundMe page.

ChuckwagonMTG Pack to Power Auction

My good friend Chuckwagon MTG has been trading and hustling to raise money for a great charity.  Check out this auction and the fantastic cards that you could get. EBAY AUCTION

Ilharg, the Raze-Boar EDH Deck Tech
