
Showing posts from August, 2019

Zuby Interview #MTGCCA

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Commander 2019-a perfect beginning

With the introduction of the Commander 2019 precon decks, I feel like there is something different going on with Wizards of the Coast.  I have been playing EDH for about a year.  I am fairly new to the format, and I am not too proud to say that Brawl is the reason for my interest.  But after my Brawl summer fling, I was ready to settle down and get into a long term relationship with a more mature format.  Commander was there for me. So like all newbies, I began to sift through the mountain of precon decks that were available.  Some were interesting, but most were not particularly ready to play out of the box.  I would have to supplement each deck significantly, and in some cases, purchase up to 40 cards to make the deck function well.  Basically, it was a non-starter.  Standard Sets The Stage Then in 2018, WOTC came out with the Challenger Decks.  As a Standard player, I was pleasantly surprised at the out-of-the-box playability of the decks.  Hazoret Aggro, Vehicle Rush, Second